I hope you have been enjoying my site.
I am going to try and update it as often as possible so check back every now and again.
Man, what ever happened to the guy in the picture.
Thank You Dennis Katzenmaier.
Just received an email from Dennis and it looks like we were stationed at Fire Base Madeline at the same time, both in C Company 3rd and 7th, but neither of us remember what platoon we were in.We haven't nailed it down any closer than that yet but we're working on it.
Baby San................................Young girl
Mama San..............................Mature woman
Papa San...............................Mature man
Didi Mau.................................Move quickly
Dau Dinky...............................You crazy
Dung Lai.................................Stop
Lai Dai....................................Come here
La Vay.....................................Beer
Koon Sa..................................Wacky weed
Number 1................................Good
Number 10...............................Bad
Tee Tee...................................Little or smallest
Caca Dau.................................Kill you
Tu Dai.....................................To die
Du Dau....................................F..... you
SNAFU....................................Situation normal. All f.....ed up
If you have any input on my site whether pro or con; or suggestions on how to make it better and more interesting I would like to hear from you.
Please e-mail me or leave your comments in the guestbook on the home page.